Car Club:Tuning Storm IPA 1.0
Download  Car ClubTuning Storm IPA
Free Car ClubTuning Storm.IPA
Car ClubTuning Storm IPA  for iPad/ ipod/ iphone4s
Car ClubTuning Storm IPA  for iPadOs


This may be the most excellent 3D Car Tuning Game! More choices for vehicle modification in this game than "Need for Speed" series and "Gran Turismo" series!

This software supplies large amount of full 3D high-poly texture car models for all-round modification. Each car has hundreds of replaceable parts,such as front bumper, rear bumper, car roof, car hood, car door,etc.You can create your own car as you like!

What's more,you can try to drive your car after modification,to inject nitrogen for shifting gear,to enjoy the excitement of random competitors and speed race, to check your achievement in game center at any time.

-Do you want a unique racecar modified by yourself?
-Do you want to enjoy the modification of various luxury speed cars?
-Do you want to change your ordinary small car into a unique and cool one?
We can realize all your car dreams. Join us now!

If you are a big fan of cars, or you are keen at car modification and car styling,
please send e-mail to

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iBomber Defense Pacific IPA 1.0
Download  iBomber Defense Pacific IPA
Free iBomber Defense Pacific.IPA
iBomber Defense Pacific IPA for iPad/ ipod/ iphone4s
iBomber Defense Pacific IPA for iPadOs


"If you are fan of tower defense then iBomber Defense: Pacific will definitely scratch the itch."— Unbound Gamer, 100%

"If you are a fan of the original then you will be happy with the follow up."— Internet Gumshoe

"...everything about the game works and is definitely one of todays releases that you should definitely check out."— App-Score, 10/10

Get ready to take the battle to the enemy and win the war!
iBomber Defense Pacific is the latest game in the hugely successful iBomber series. The iBomber series moves out to the Pacific as you fight a whole new enemy in an effort to secure territory on the Pacific Rim.

iBomber Defense Pacific takes tower defense to a whole new level. Feel like your right there and part of the incredible action as you use the new deep strategy options to protect your base. Building on the success of it's predecessors, iBomber Defense Pacific has all-new tactics, all-new strategies, all-new Maps, all-new weapons, and all-new enemies.

With so much to play for in iBomber Defense Pacific, you’ll never be bored. Whether it’s placing turrets, analysing the enemy attack options, perfecting your strategy, looking for hidden targets, bombing the enemy from above, repairing units, or destroying an enemy outpost you’ll always have something to do.

Tower defense has never looked so good. Luscious jungle greens, incredible water effects, jaw-dropping explosions, intricately designed vehicles and turrets come together to make on of the best looking strategy games in years. Get some earphones on and become immersed in the battle with amazing war zone sound effects.

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АйПохмелье IPA 1.3
Download АйПохмелье IPA
Free АйПохмелье.IPA
АйПохмелье for iPad/ ipod/ iphone4s
АйПохмелье IPA for iPadOs

АйПохмелье изменит всё то, что вы знаете об алкоголе. Абсолютно уникальный материал, подготовленный настоящим учёным-токсикологом, опытным врачом.
В одном приложении две необходимых вещи:

1. Индивидуальный подбор средств для лечения похмелья
Не надо думать, что от похмелья "лечит только время". Методология, разработанная русским врачом-токсикологом, опытным специалистом, позволит:
- подобрать средства, которые найдутся у вас дома или в любой РОССИЙСКОЙ аптеке;
- эффективно избавить вас от похмелья, устраняя причины. Программа задаст 8 вопросов о вашем состоянии, поэтому средства будут подобраны ровно так как нужно;
- подскажет как принимать средства, в каком порядке, в каких сочетаниях и дозах, предупредит о побочках;
- избежать приёма народных средств, которые бесполезны и опасны: программа знает 25 работающих рецептов. К каждому прилагается описание.

Автор методики Станислав Радченко. Врач-терапевт (Казанский ГМИ, 1989 г.), врач-кибернетик (Российский ГМУ, 1998 г.), кандидат медицинских наук. Специалист по моделированию острых и хронических отравлений; врач-токсиколог, поработавший с сотнями пациентов.

2. В вашем кармане будет полезнейший справочник. Знание того, как на самом деле воздействует алкоголь на организм поможет спасти здоровье (или жизнь) вам или вашим близким. Если вы думаете, что уже всё знаете из газет или от людей "умеющих пить", вы ошибаетесь.

- как быстро протрезветь;
- когда вызывать скорую;
- как предотвратить похмелье;
- как пережить затяжные праздники;
- алкоголь и лекарства из домашней аптечки;
- алкоголь, секс и потенция;
- сколько пить вредно;
- как не стать алкоголиком;
- опровержение распространённых мифов об алкоголе;
- и другая полезная теория.

Все статьи подготовлены при участии серьёзного специалиста. Нигде в русском интернете (не считая сайта программы http://похмелье.рф) больше нет такого материала: всё, что написано журналистами или авторами Википедии либо неполно, либо неправильно, либо опасно для здоровья.
What's new in Version 1.3
1) Новый текст в копилку полезных подсказок: КАК ПРАВИЛЬНО ЗАКУСЫВАТЬ (как вредно закусывать тоже рассказано).
2) Улучшен интерфейс: теперь больше места для чтения. Случайно переключиться на другой раздел программы теперь тоже не получится.
3) Множество исправлений и важных уточнений в текстах.

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WI Guitar™ IPA 1.11
Download  WI Guitar™ IPA
Free WI Guitar.IPA
WI Guitar™ IPA  for iPad/ ipod/ iphone4s
WI Guitar™ IPA  for iPadOs


WI Guitar™ is the first truly playable virtual acoustic guitar app, as well as a professional Core MIDI guitar controller over Wi-Fi.

Based on revolutionary patent-pending sample technology, WI Guitar has the sound and expressiveness of a real guitar. Includes two steel-stringed guitars, a classical guitar, a 12-stringed, twelve types of electric guitars and a Core MIDI OUT guitar for using WI Guitar as a MIDI controller over Wi-Fi (Core MIDI).

Does this sound too good to be true? It is not, and we can honestly say you need to try this app to believe it! This is why we also offer a free version, for everyone who wants to try this amazing instrument!

With WI Guitar, you can strum chords as softly or as hardly as you like, with ultra-realism. Hooked up to loudspeakers, WI Guitar is the perfect replacement for a real guitar at the party, or even in a band. Use headphones to play your favorite songs on the guitar, or write songs, on the way to work, on the airplane and everywhere else.

As an artist or songwriter, you can even use WI Guitar as a professional recording instrument. Add beautiful stereo guitar parts to your tracks!

WI Guitar includes 12 chord buttons, and the action buttons add9, sus4, 7 and maj7. In combination these give you instant access to more than 150 unique chords.


VIDEOS (also found on our web site)

Wonderwall - WI Guitar on YouTube:

Hurt - WI Guitar on YouTube:


- Strumming harder or softer also makes the sound stronger or softer.

- Pluck or strum closer to the board to get a stronger sound, and play further down on the strings to get a softer sound.

- If you release all fingers from the screen, all playing notes also released. If you want chords to sustain, press and hold the chord buttons while playing.

- Holding both the add9 and sus4 action buttons transforms from a major to a minor chord, and vice versa. Use this feature to also access the Gm, Fm, Cm and Bm chords.

- Holding both the 7 and maj7 action buttons produces an add6 chord.

- Hold multiple chord buttons to produce inverted chords. For example, C + E (or Em) produces a C with an E as the bass note.

- From the help panel you may transpose the chord map to any key.

- If you want to use WI Guitar as a MIDI guitar controller on PC, please download and install Tobias Erichsen's software "rtpMIDI" from:

What's new in Version 1.11
- Core MIDI input support
- Screen may rotate 180 degrees on iPad at startup

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